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Bible Talk


Wow! Just a few weeks ago, we were excited and sharing about our new video Podcast Bible Talk.

Today, we are beyond excited to announce that we have posted four videos on our Youtube channel ( 

The first two episodes are on Worship. Pastor Dale and brother Sal shared many scriptures from the bible and I promise, you won't be disappointed!!!!!

Episodes 3 and 4 are on having a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

And tomorrow's episode (5) is on forgiveness.

Again, you won't be let down!! The 5th episode along with all episodes will leave you longing for the next one!!!

Brother Sal and Pastor Dale are amazing at explaining and sharing the precious word of God.

As you visit the page and check out our Youtube channel, don't forget to like, share, comment and subscribe!!!!

Let us not forget to mention:

Today we are notifying all our subscribers, family and friends that tomorrow our newest episode will premiere @7:30pm.

We are looking forward to viewing this episode on forgiveness with you all, and we hope and pray that you are just as excited as we are!

As my husband always says, "Come On Somebody."


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